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The Brain-Damaged Child

Tammuz 5668

Dear Vaad Harabbanim,

After four-and-a-half years of marriage, we finally were granted children, a set of beautiful twin girls, bli ayin haraBaruch Hashem!

Two days later, however, the doctors in the hospital came and told us that they suspected that one of the infants had liquid in her brain, which most likely meant that she would be retarded, crippled or both. Further testing confirmed this diagnosis and the black prognosis. It is impossible to describe the pain and anguish we experienced at that time, after we were thrown from the heights of joy to the depths of mourning.

That very week we received the book Hivtachti Venoshati. We decided that it was not a coincidence, and we read through it, amazed at the stories of the miracles people have experienced. We were willing to do anything to ensure the health of our babies, and so we pledged a large sum to the Vaad Harabbanim, and we also promised to publicize the miracle if one took place. Less than a month later, our daughter was re-examined to assess her condition. There was nothing there!

The doctors read the results with gaping mouths. Here they had been preparing to operate on her at the first opportunity, and now they faced what was, by their own admission, an overt miracle. They insisted on continuing to follow her development.

It has been three months since that time, and everything appears just fine. Our child smiles and even has baby-talk conversations with her twin sister.

In keeping with our promise, we are publicizing this great miracle through this letter to you, together with our donation. We continue to pray and hope for our daughters’ health and development.

B. S., Brooklyn, N.Y.



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