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The Lost Apartment

Dear Vaad Harabbanim,

I would like to write you our story of Divine Providence that came about thanks to your organization. The event occurred on Friday morning, erev parashas Bamidbar.

The story began when my brother in France wanted to buy an apartment in Ramot and we found him a bargain, baruch Hashem. Now he needed to send cash for the apartment, as well as documents and other things, and since my mother was traveling to France to take part in a relative´s hachnassas Sefer Torah, we decided it would be a good idea for her to bring the money and documents back with her when she returned to Israel.

Today – Friday – I am writing to tell you what happened next. My mother phoned me at 9:20 a.m. in great distress, telling me that she had forgotten the briefcase with all the money needed to buy the apartment in a taxi she took from the airport. Since her ability to read in Hebrew is limited, she did not know whether she took an airport cab or a taxi from some other company; all she knew was that the driver was an Arab…

We panicked! After all, there was a vast sum involved, and we had no idea how to proceed. Then my mother asked me to daven, and I decided to give tzedakah; indeed, the

thought of giving to Vaad Harabbanim came to mind immediately, as I have occasionally given to Vaad Harabonim when I needed something, and results were not long in coming.

This time as well, I donated a certain amount and promised that if this episode concluded happily, I would write the story of the miracle and send it to the Vaad Harabbanim in order to publicize what happened.

Baruch Hashem, a few minutes later (!) my mother phoned. She had gone to the airport cab station and found that she had taken one of their cabs. Baruch Hashem, the driver returned the entire amount together with the briefcase, and everything was concluded that same day.

With tears of emotion and joy I am writing this letter, in fulfillment of my promise.



An Unlikely Occurrence

Dear Vaad Harabbanim,

We are donating $100 in gratitude for a miracle we experienced after losing a hearing aid component that was worth over $350. Besides its tiny size, the component included a magnet that made it to stick to any iron object, and this made the search even more difficult.

After we gave up searching, we davened and promised to donate tzedakah to the Vaad Harabbanim.

The very next morning we found the component lying on the floor of our minivan, next to a door that is never opened.

In addition, we are adding an extra $50 for yet another salvation we experienced.

With blessings and gratitude,


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